Mass Sheets (A4)

£6.00 (no VAT)

Mass Bulletins.

The Propers of the Mass, Readings and Responsorial Psalm with full colour picture on one side and blank on the reverse for your notices, hymns etc.  A4 size to suit duplicator or photocopier.

£5.50 per 100 per week. (no vat)

Supplied in multiples of 50, carriage free on orders of 150 per week or more.

Also available in A3 size giving 3 A4 pages for notices etc. Please ask for details. £10.00 per hundred per week (no vat)


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Mass Bulletins A4

From the 1st Sunday in Advent, December 2024 our Mass Sheets (bulletins) will carry the new Lectionary readings except those supplied to Ireland (North and South) which will continue with the Jerusalem Bible readings as before.